Category: outdoorfamily

Cruising the Backwaters of Kerala (with kids)

One of the most popular experiences for travelers in the Southern region of India is to take a boat tour on the backwaters in the beautiful state of Kerala. The Backwaters of Kerala is a network of interconnected canals, rivers, lakes and

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Family Camping Packing List

I am the yearly organizer of my son’s class camping trip. I have been organizing our class trips since preschool and have gotten better and better at planning it and packing for it each year! The more you camp with

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Switzer Falls Hike with Kids

We have tried the Switzer Falls hike a few times with friends, but have never made it very far (due to those pesky kids playing in the creek!). We were jonesing for a hike and decided to give it another go.  I

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5 Easy Hikes for Toddlers Los Angeles

Hiking is the thing to do in LA. Before moving here I didn’t think that hiking with kids was even possible, especially once they were too big to carry and no longer interested in the stroller. As a baby you can carry them and

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Vasquez Rocks with Kids

My son woke up saying he wanted to go on a hike and I knew immediately where we should go. Vasquez Rocks.  It has been on our to do list forever. All I knew about Vasquez Rocks was that it’s great for kids who like to

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Malibu Lagoon Bird Watching with Kids

I love nature, hiking and animals, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine taking time on a Sunday to go bird watching. But yep, this is what happens in my household every month.  The Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society

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